
Posted by Laurel Collins , Tuesday, February 22, 2011 6:18 PM

I just had my first metalsmithing class yesterday! I am so excited for this one!

For the first class we learned about using the jeweler's saw to cut shapes out of sheet metal. Here are the pictures of my first shapes!

Here are some helpful instructional videos for using the jeweler's saw. In my class we started with small sheets of copper and brass at 18 gauge and size 1 saw blades from RioGrande. Also, always be sure to use eye protection! Those saw blades do break pretty easily.

Additionally, we learned how to file the metal pieces after sawing to get a smooth edge and to get rid of any sharp spots. Here is a good list of tips for filing and smoothing metal bits.

Next week we are going to learn about riveting, so I will be back then!

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